“Motivation nurtured by discipline will create sustained success”

Di An branch is a unit with stable performance when continuously holding the leading position in Kim Oanh Group’s business system for many consecutive months. In particular, Di An branch is the gathering place of excellent business warriors who continuously make breakthroughs to create great success for the branch. The following is the sharing of …

“Motivation nurtured by discipline will create sustained success” Read More »

Di An branch is a unit with stable performance when continuously holding the leading position in Kim Oanh Group's business system for many consecutive months. In particular, Di An branch is the gathering place of excellent business warriors who continuously make breakthroughs to create great success for the branch. The following is the sharing of Mr. Nguyen Dinh Toan – Deputy Sales Department 03, one of the Super Sales with the most impressive achievements of Di An branch.

“Động lực rất quan trọng nhưng kỷ luật còn quan trọng hơn. Chính kỷ luật sẽ giúp nuôi dưỡng động lực để chúng ta nỗ lực phấn đấu mỗi ngày. Sự tiến bộ có thể chậm nhưng cần duy trì đều đặn. Đó là cách mà mình và chi nhánh luôn giữ được phong độ kinh doanh khá ổn định trong mọi bối cảnh thị trường” – anh Nguyễn Đình Toàn - Phó phòng Kinh doanh, chi nhánh Dĩ An
“Motivation is important but discipline is even more important. It is discipline that will help nurture the motivation for us to strive every day. Progress can be slow but needs to be maintained steadily. That is how I and my branch always maintain a fairly stable business performance in all market contexts” – Mr. Nguyen Dinh Toan – Deputy Sales Department, Di An branch

 Hello Mr. Dinh Toan. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Hello Kim Oanh Group. I am Nguyen Dinh Toan, Deputy Sales Department of Sales Department 03, Di An Branch. Officially joining Kim Oanh Group from 28/03/2019, up to now, I have had more than 5 years of “fighting” and dedicating to the development of the Group and surely this number has not stopped.

It is known that he is one of the Super Sales with the best performance of Di An branch. Could you please share more about your outstanding achievements?

Anh Nguyễn Đình Toàn liên tiếp được xướng tên tại các chương trình vinh danh khen thưởng
Mr. Nguyen Dinh Toan was continuously named at the honor and reward programs

I really don't have too many outstanding achievements myself. I do not sell too much but am very proud to always maintain stable business results month by month. Although I am rarely honored in the highest position, I am always among the leading sales individuals in the system. For example, the sales campaigns of the Legacy Central project, from the beginning of 2024 until now, I have successfully traded 6 products. Thanks to the warrior spirit, the support from teammates and the attention from the Board of Directors and sales policies and products in accordance with market needs, I have certain advantages to break through to close the deal quickly and am also proud to contribute a part of my efforts to make my personal mark in the team.

To achieve admirable achievements, what is your secret?

My job is sales, obviously, the first thing is to research clearly about the Group's products, to deeply understand the market and customer needs to master the competitive advantage of the project compared to competitors.

Anh Đình Toàn duy trì thành tích bán hàng ổn định và luôn nằm trong top dẫn đầu
Mr. Dinh Toan maintains a stable sales record and is always in the top

The second equally important factor is customer consultation. Instead of focusing on the goal of selling products, I choose to become a companion of customers, providing customers with solutions for settlement and investment and I always maintain an optimistic spirit with a positive energy to spread the values as well as product messages accurately so that customers can feel naturally and make trading decisions.

Bí quyết thành công của anh Đình Toàn là luôn đồng hành và trao tay khách hàng những giá trị bền vững
The secret of Mr. Dinh Toan's success is to always accompany and hand over sustainable values to customers

The third is that the working method must be very scientific and professional. I always set very clear goals when embarking on any task and concretize that goal with an action plan. And finally, constantly learning, improving knowledge and skills to improve yourself every day. That helps me always be confident and always create new values to bring to customers – my companions.

How does the role of the team, especially the support of the branch, help in your work?

Anh Đình Toàn gây ấn tượng khi chốt thành công 6 giao dịch căn hộ Legacy Central từ đầu năm đến nay
Mr. Dinh Toan impressed when successfully closing 6 transactions of Legacy Central apartments since the beginning of the year

Of course, team support is important. Besides the support, the team for me is also a great source of motivation to strive every day. I always aspire to contribute and make my personal mark on the success of the team. That means I must always strive to make achievements to contribute to the overall results of the branch. I believe that a strong team is made up of strong individuals and it is the sustainable development of each individual that works together to create sustainability for the team.

Especially, when I became a member of Di An branch, under the guidance and support of Mr. Tran Trong Minh Hoang, Branch Director, I realized that motivation is very important but discipline is even more important. Progress can be slow but needs to be maintained steadily. That is how I and my branches always maintain a fairly stable business performance in all market contexts.

Besides, I also thank the Board of Directors of Kim Oanh Group for creating a good working environment, policies for the team are always interested and focused. That gives me and all of you peace of mind.

What are your goals going forward?

Personally, I will still strive to improve myself day by day, more focused and determined to get a lot of deals in the Group's upcoming projects. Besides, I will also focus on developing the team, supporting the brothers and sisters in the sales team better because success together is sustainable success.

Nỗ lực tư vấn, mang đến những giải pháp an cư, đầu tư cho khách hàng
Efforts to consult, bring settlement and investment solutions to customers

Surely you also have a slogan to remind yourself to make an effort every day?

“Make money aggressively – Beat the quota – Race to the top 1” is my personal slogan as well as that of the department. Having done business, the first goal will be to make money, it is the motivation to make money that will help me exceed all the targets that the department, branch or corporation expects. And obviously, when you have made a breakthrough, being named in emulation awards is no longer far-fetched.

Do you have anything else you want to convey to your colleagues?

Di An branch is a united collective, developing together. Therefore, besides personal efforts, I hope all branch brothers and sisters will maintain their performance and progress every day to help the branch achieve higher achievements.

Regarding Kim Oanh Group's sales team, I see that everyone has a very “fire” working spirit, full of enthusiasm and desire to develop themselves. Therefore, I would like to wish all colleagues great success with the Richland Residence project and all subsequent projects, affirming the capacity and strength of Kim Oanh Group's brand, thereby helping the Group develop sustainably.

Thank you for sharing Mr. Dinh Toan. Wish him always maintain his performance and continuously break through achievements and forever be a powerful warrior of Kim Oanh Group.

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