In order for Human Resource Management software to work effectively as well as help leaders and employees familiarize themselves with the application, Kim Oanh Group organizes a training program on this software for the whole system. The event will take place on June 15 and 16, 2023. Human Resource Management Software is known as a …
In order for Human Resource Management software to work effectively as well as help leaders and employees familiarize themselves with the application, Kim Oanh Group organizes a training program on this software for the whole system. The event will take place on June 15 and 16, 2023.

Human Resource Management Software is known as a modern technology solution provided by VnResource – a professional and experienced partner in the field of technology and software application. This is a system that helps automate operations on personnel supervision management; support the process of management, evaluation of staff capacity, decisions on appointment and deployment are made promptly and accurately; provide comprehensive information, multidimensional reports to managers; The management and development of professional and modern human resources help improve labor efficiency, increase employee satisfaction, and ensure the foundation for smooth operation of the business. In addition, all data information of personnel will be kept maximum confidentiality on the system.
Realizing the importance and efficiency brought to business operations, Kim Oanh Group has cooperated with VnResource to research and deploy this software for the Group since December 2022. After 6 months of cooperation in research and implementation, Kim Oanh Group's HRM software has gradually been completed, expected to put into operation in July 2023.
Before officially operating the software, Kim Oanh Group organized a training program for the whole system. Participating in the training session, each member was guided to install the HRM application on their mobile phones and initially familiarize themselves with the interface of the application. After logging into the pre-created personal account, each member is guided through basic operations such as viewing timesheets, explaining and approving timekeeping explanations, applying for leave and approving leave, viewing payroll, checking personal information, etc contracts, insurance, taxes…
Based on the job position, task function and scope of work of each individual, the application will assign corresponding operation permissions. This not only avoids duplication of duties, over-approval, but also contributes to standardizing individual roles in accordance with the Group's Organizational Chart. Thereby helping to operate personnel of the whole system more conveniently and the human resource management of the Board of Directors is also more effective, detailed and accurate.

According to Mr. Nguyen Luong Tho – Deputy General Director of the Group, effective human resource management must be based on 4 principles: Centralized management – Decentralized administration – Synchronous deployment – Independent control. However, for the Real Estate – Construction industry, the problem of human resource management or management of many companies/legal entities in the group is always a problem that takes a lot of time and effort if manual management is performed. Therefore, the application of technology solutions such as HRM is extremely urgent.
In particular, all operations are performed on the mobile phone application or website, which is very convenient for users, enthusiastically received by young personnel.
Mr. Nguyen Thanh Xuan – Sales Manager, Ben Cat Branch shared: “In my opinion, software is really necessary. The nature of my work as well as the employees below is mainly going to the market, taking care of customers, the working time and position are very flexible, often moving, so the timekeeping and timekeeping explanation face many inadequacies. But with HRM, I am completely proactive in timekeeping as well as work accountability.”

HRM software not only helps optimize management but also shows the development motto of Kim Oanh Group: always actively and actively looking for reliable partners in the field of information technology to update and apply modern technologies to business operation processes.Since then, helping Kim Oanh Group transform and enhance the Group's brand.
Some pictures of the training session: