Personal and corporate brand positioning by leveraging capabilities Practical Presentation and Inspiration

The Corporate Culture Regeneration Project is entering the final stage of phase 1, Kim Oanh Group’s core cultural values have been affirmed. To prepare for phase 2, Kim Oanh Group’s managers participated in the training program “Practical and inspiring presentation capacity”. The program will take place on 2 days 21 and 22/05/2024 to help Kim …

Personal and corporate brand positioning by leveraging capabilities Practical Presentation and Inspiration Read More »


The Corporate Culture Regeneration Project is entering the final stage of phase 1, Kim Oanh Group's core cultural values have been affirmed. To prepare for phase 2, Kim Oanh Group's managers participated in the training program “Practical and inspiring presentation capacity”.

Cấp quản lý của Kim Oanh Group tham gia chương trình huấn luyện “Năng lực trình bày thực tiễn và truyền cảm hứng”
Management of Kim Oanh Group participated in the training program “Practical and inspiring presentation ability”

The program will take place on 2 days 21 and 22/05/2024 to help Kim Oanh Group's management team equip the necessary skills to “spread” the core cultural values affirmed in phase 1 to the whole system, helping these values “live”.

Ông Nguyễn Lương Thọ - Phó Tổng Giám đốc Vận hành Tập đoàn chia sẻ mở đầu chương trình huấn luyện
Mr. Nguyen Luong Tho – Deputy General Director of the Group shared about the meaning of the training program

Attending the program, the Group's management team had different and practical experiences in terms of practical and inspiring presentation capacity. Specifically, each participant will choose a topic to present to everyone, then each participant will evaluate their own pros and cons through a live video recording from the organizers.

Chuyên gia huấn luyện Lê Tấn Thảo minh họa một số thói quen chưa hiệu quả trong trình bày thực tiễn
Coach Le Tan Thao illustrates some ineffective habits in practical presentation

According to coach Le Tan Thao, Kim Oanh Group's management team has a very professional and methodical presentation style with high persuasive ability. Therefore, the training program will focus on identifying ineffective habits or tendencies during the presentation of trainees, from which to discuss and find improved solutions to help participants improve their practical presentation capacity.

Meanwhile, coach Truong Minh Tu highly appreciated the energy and “fire” in the presentation of Kim Oanh Group's management team. “However, to spread cultural values, it is not enough to present convincingly, but to inspire and deepen corporate cultural values, to really “touch” the heart of each member of the team” – coach Truong Minh Tu emphasized.

Chuyên gia huấn luyện Trương Minh Tứ đánh giá rất cao năng lượng và chất “lửa” của cấp quản lý Kim Oanh Group
Coach Truong Minh Tu highly appreciated the energy and “fire” of Kim Oanh Group's management team

Through practical experiences and useful advice of 2 coaches, Kim Oanh Group's management team has drawn for themselves many valuable experiences in practical presentation capacity.

Mr. To Duy Chinh – Director of Group Business Division – is always full of confidence with his presentation ability. With extensive experience and strong energy, Mr. Chinh has made many impressions in sales events through presentations on projects and markets. But after watching his presentation recorded live at the show, he realized that he had a flaw in that his body language was not rich, the hand movements seemed to be repetitive. Immediately after the program, Mr. Chinh overcame these shortcomings.

Ông Tô Duy Chinh với những ngôn ngữ hình thể sinh động sau khi nhận ra khuyết điểm của bản thân
Mr. To Duy Chinh with vivid body language after realizing his own shortcomings

Similarly, Mr. Huynh Thanh Quang – Deputy Managing Director of Palace Long Hai Resort (a member of Kim Oanh Group) also noticed that his facial expression during the presentation was somewhat tense. “Frowning expressions are formed unconsciously that I normally pay little attention to. It is easy to lose sympathy with the other person. If I don't set myself up as a spectator, it will be difficult for me to recognize this shortcoming to improve,” Mr. Quang shared.

Anh Huỳnh Thanh Quang Quang – Phó Giám đốc Điều hành Palace Long Hai Resort (giữa) tập biểu cảm gương mặt tươi tắn trong mọi tình huống
Mr. Huynh Thanh Quang – Deputy Managing Director of Palace Long Hai Resort (middle) practicing fresh facial expressions in all situations

Ms. Phan Thi Thu Trang – Director of Ben Cat branch – also felt startled with her presentation due to the high volume of the presentation. “I'm so passionate and passionate about presenting something and pushing it to a climax that it's easy to overwhelm the listener. Listening to me lecture for long periods of time is probably not a great thing for the faint of heart. I realized that I needed to control and regulate the volume in a more balanced way,” ms Trang shared.

Chị Phan Thị Thu Trang – Giám đốc Chi nhánh Bến Cát chăm chú lắng nghe góp ý từ những đồng nghiệp
Ms. Phan Thi Thu Trang – Director of Ben Cat Branch listened attentively to comments from colleagues

Meanwhile, Mr. Nguyen Van Trien – Director of Capital and Finance Division of the Group – is extremely enthusiastic about his skills in responding to stressful situations. “In my observation, most stressful situations start with the leadership team and management first. As a manager, I have the right to stress with my employees, but as an inspirational person, I believe that letting stress run high is a failure,” he said.

Ông Nguyễn Văn Triển - Giám đốc Khối Nguồn vốn và Tài chính thực hành kỹ năng phản hồi trong những tình huống căng thẳng
Mr. Nguyen Van Trien – Director of Capital and Finance Division – practices feedback skills in stressful situations

Perhaps the most enjoyable experience for the show's students is being their own audience. That helps each person realize that they must always care, understand and respect their listeners. From there, convey the message you want in a peaceful and delicate way, making listeners receive it naturally and excitedly.

The training program lasted only 2 days, but with the spirit of marketing and constantly improving, Kim Oanh Group's management team has achieved results beyond expectations.

Cấp quản lý Kim Oanh Group nhận chứng chỉ hoàn thành chương trình huấn luyện
Kim Oanh Group's management team received a certificate of completion of the training program

With the existing energy, influence and personal prestige along with the ability to present practically and inspire constantly enhanced, Kim Oanh Group's management team is full of confidence to become the ones who inspire and spread the cultural values of the Group to the whole system, actively contribute to phase 2 of the project Reinventing Corporate Culture – Affirming and “living” Kim Oanh Group's core cultural values.

Some pictures of the training program:

Cấp quản lý Kim Oanh Group thích thú tham gia trò chơi khởi động
Kim Oanh Group's management team enjoys participating in the warm-up game
Các học viên nhiệt tình tham gia các hoạt động với sự hỗ trợ của chuyên gia huấn luyện Trương Minh Tứ
Course members enthusiastically participated in activities with the support of coach Truong Minh Tu

Các học viên nghiêm túc chuẩn bị nội dung cho phần thuyết trình của bản thân

Các học viên nghiêm túc chuẩn bị nội dung cho phần thuyết trình của bản thân
Students seriously prepare content for their presentations

Chương trình huấn luyện diễn ra trong không khí vui tươi, đầy năng lượng
The training program took place in a joyful, energetic atmosphere
Ông Tô Duy Chinh chia sẻ trải nghiệm đặc biệt của bản thân trong vai trò là khán giả của chính mình
Mr. To Duy Chinh shares his own experience as an audience
Chuyên gia huấn luyện Trương Minh Tứ chia sẻ về những kinh nghiệm của bản thân về năng lực trình bày thực tiễn và truyền cảm hứng
Coach Truong Minh Tu shares his own experiences in practical and inspiring presentation
Học viên cùng chuyên gia huấn luyện review phần trình bày của bản thân được ghi hình trực tiếp tại chương trình
Students and coaches “review” their own presentations recorded live at the program
Học viên cùng nhau review những ưu, nhược điểm của bản thân và đồng nghiệp
Students together “review” the advantages and disadvantages of themselves and their colleagues

Học viên thực hành cùng đồng nghiệp để tìm ra khuyết điểm của bản thân
Students practice with colleagues to find their own shortcomings

Các học viên thực hành khắc phục những khuyết điểm, thói quen chưa hiệu quả trong trình bày thực tiễn và truyền cảm hứng
Practitioners practice overcoming shortcomings and ineffective habits in practical presentation and inspiration


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