Kim Oanh Group assigns operating targets for the second half of 2023

On the morning of August 28, Kim Oanh Group organized the event to implement the group’s key planning goals in the second half of 2023 with the participation of the Board of Directors, managers, representatives of blocks, departments, divisions of the Group and member companies. At the event, the Board of Directors and managers had …

Kim Oanh Group assigns operating targets for the second half of 2023 Read More »

On the morning of August 28, Kim Oanh Group organized the event to implement the group's key planning goals in the second half of 2023 with the participation of the Board of Directors, managers, representatives of blocks, departments, divisions of the Group and member companies.

A large number of leaders and managers attended the event to implement the group's key planning goals in the second half of 2023

At the event, the Board of Directors and managers had the opportunity to look back on the development journey in the first 6 months of 2023. Despite facing great challenges and fluctuations of the market, Kim Oanh Group's team has unanimously overcome and reaped encouraging results.

Bà Đặng Thị Kim Oanh – Chủ tịch HĐQT, Tổng Giám đốc tập đoàn động viên hệ thống nỗ lực và tận dụng tốt những cơ hội phát triển giai đoạn cuối năm
Mrs. Dang Thi Kim Oanh – Chairman of the Board of Directors, General Director of the Group encouraged the system to make efforts and make good use of development opportunities in the year-end period

In the context that many real estate businesses have to shrink their operations, Kim Oanh Group still makes an impression on the market through a series of events such as signing cooperation agreements with foreign strategic partners such as Mapple Bear, Sumitomo Forestry, Surbana Jurong. And especially, Kim Oanh Group's plan to develop 40,000 NOXH products has received the attention and encouragement of authorities and people in need of housing.
Along with that, Kim Oanh Group has effectively implemented 2 key projects: Legacy Prime apartment (Thuan An, Binh Duong) and Richland Residence urban area (Ben Cat, Binh Duong). At the same time, Kim Oanh Group has also made every effort to hand over the pink book to customers of The EastGate apartment project to help increase the prestige and brand of the Group in the eyes of customers.

Bà Nguyễn Thị Nhung – Thành viên HĐQT Tập đoàn nhấn mạnh tầm quan trọng của các mục tiêu trọng yếu nửa cuối năm 2023
Ms. Nguyen Thi Nhung – Member of the Group's Board of Directors emphasized the importance of key goals in the second half of 2023

Sharing at the event, Ms. Nguyen Thi Nhung – Member of the Group's Board of Directors said that the achievements achieved in the first 6 months of the year are an important foundation for the Group's Board of Directors to boldly set bigger goals in the second half of 2023 with impressive numbers.
Specifically, for the Project Development Division, the focus of the second half of 2023 is to hand over houses in 6 projects, issue a book of 8 projects (including the book in the name of the Investor and the book in the name of the customer), strengthen investment cooperation and expand new projects.

Ông Nguyễn Đức Lợi – Thành viên HĐQT, Phó Tổng Giám đốc Phát triển Dự án đại diện các khối, đơn vị cam kết quyết tâm hoàn thành mục tiêu được giao
Mr. Nguyen Duc Loi – Member of the Board of Directors, Deputy General Director of Project Development representing blocks and units committed to be determined to accomplish the assigned goals

For the Business Division, the Group's Board of Directors expects that in the second half of the year, the Business Division will successfully trade nearly 800 products, bringing breakthrough revenue to the Group.
The financial sector is assigned the responsibility of ensuring safety criteria, good cash flow for investment – operation activities, enhancing transparency, and connecting well with reputable credit institutions.
The Operations Division is also assigned responsibilities in human resource management and system management activities, focusing on building a professional decentralization process, effectively deploying HRM human resource management software, developing policies and effective personnel margins.

Ông Nguyễn Kim Hùng - Trưởng phòng Kế hoạch Tập đoàn điểm lại những thành tích nổi bật nửa đầu năm 2023 của Kim Oanh Group
Mr. Nguyen Kim Hung – Head of Group Planning Department reviewed outstanding achievements in the first half of 2023 of Kim Oanh Group

Besides, member units such as Kim Oanh Construction, Palace Long Hai Resort … was also assigned key plans for the second half of 2023. On the basis of the overall plan objectives, leaders of blocks/departments/departments at the Group and member companies are responsible for implementing details for their units.
According to Mrs. Dang Thi Kim Oanh, Chairman of the Group's Board of Directors, the last months of 2023 are opening up a lot of new opportunities but there will certainly be many difficulties and challenges. To successfully conquer the remaining journey of 2023 requires the whole system to stick to the goals and set a clear and specific action plan with high determination. Kim Oanh Group's Board of Directors is placing a lot of expectations on the leadership team of the Group's blocks, departments and departments.
“As the leader of Kim Oanh Group, I feel Kim Oanh Group is very fortunate to have a team of people who are real, do the truth, do it with the heart and always strive to bring good values to everyone. I hope that we will continue to maintain and promote that spirit, leaders and managers must always volunteer to take the lead. The market is gradually recovering and this is an opportunity for all of us,” Mrs Oanh said.

The circle connects all leaders and managers of Kim Oanh Group towards the common goal of the Group

Representatives of the target recipients, Mr. Nguyen Duc Loi – Member of the Board of Directors, Deputy General Director of Project Development of the Group commited: “Currently, the operating apparatus of the whole system is being professionalized day by day. The plans are closely following reality and sticking to the market. The work is assigned clearly and scientifically, with the right people for the right job and consistent throughout the system. Therefore, I have a firm belief and commitment to work with the team to do their best to achieve all assigned goals.”

Ban lãnh đạo và các cấp quản lý Kim Oanh Group quyết tâm hoàn thành mục tiêu trong tâm 6 tháng cuối năm 2023
Kim Oanh Group's Board of Directors and management levels are determined to accomplish the goal in the last 6 months of 2023

The event ended with a circular connection ceremony showing the consensus and determination of the whole system. Believing that with the efforts of each individual as well as the acumen and enthusiasm of the leadership and management team, all blocks, departments and departments will successfully complete the plan and tasks set by the Group's Board of Directors.

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