Kim Oanh Group is ready to build a good corporate culture

With the result of achieving nearly 90 points on a scale of 120 on the index of business readiness in building culture, Kim Oanh Group shows that it is really ready to build and implement corporate culture at a good level. It is extremely important to survey the readiness of enterprises in building corporate culture, …

Kim Oanh Group is ready to build a good corporate culture Read More »

With the result of achieving nearly 90 points on a scale of 120 on the index of business readiness in building culture, Kim Oanh Group shows that it is really ready to build and implement corporate culture at a good level.

It is extremely important to survey the readiness of enterprises in building corporate culture, in order to understand the perceptions of different position levels about the current status and expectations of the factors that make up the readiness in building and nurturing corporate culture. At the same time, the survey also helps to assess the level of consensus of members by identifying the gap between their opinions. From there, the overall strategies and solutions for cultural development of the enterprise will be implemented appropriately and effectively optimized.

Đội ngũ Kim Oanh Group sẵn sàng xây dựng và triển khai văn hóa ở mức tốt
Kim Oanh Group team is ready to build and implement a good culture

Within the framework of the Project on Reinventing Corporate Culture – Affirming and “Living” Kim Oanh Group's Cultural Values, Kim Oanh Group recently collaborated with Dale Carnegie Vietnam consulting unit to conduct a survey on “Business readiness in building culture” (OCRS).

The survey was conducted online, using the standard set of questions of the consultant based on measurement factors of priority approach, cultural type, environmental conditions … with the participation of more than 550 respondents who are leaders and employees officially working full-time at Kim Oanh Group.

The survey results showed that, on a scale from 0 to 120 points, Kim Oanh Group scored 88.6 points. This means that the Group's readiness to build a corporate culture is at a good level.

Kết quả khảo sát về mức độ sẵn sàng của doanh nghiệp trong xây dựng văn hóa tại Kim Oanh Group (Nguồn: DC)
Survey results on business readiness in building culture at Kim Oanh Group (Source: DC)

In addition, the survey results also show that the preferred approach in Kim Oanh Group's current and future culture chosen by the majority of respondents is “building a culture for sustainable development”.

Accordingly, building a culture for sustainable development is understood as a substantive, talkable way, in which cultural values are integrated and become an indispensable part of all operational activities and are outstanding characteristic qualities of the entire staff. The process of building and nurturing culture demonstrates a long-term roadmap, with enthusiasm, fierce pursuit, bravery as an example and orientation of senior leaders for all levels of positions in each commitment to the culture built. Voluntariness, pride and ownership are valued. Core values, normative behavior are included in recruitment, dismissal, promotion and development.

Khi đã đề ra mục tiêu, tất cả mọi thành viên đều nỗ lực hết sức để đạt được kết quả tốt nhất, nhưng vẫn luôn đề cao lợi ích chung của Tập đoàn lên hàng đầu
When setting goals, all members make every effort to achieve the best results, but always put the common interests of the Group first

With the results obtained respectively 55% (current) and 72% (future) of people share the same opinion, expressing the desire to affirm the importance and contribution of corporate culture to the sustainable development of Kim Oanh Group in the future.

One of the other important results in the survey's measurement criteria is that Kim Oanh Group's “cultural form” was also revealed.

“Quan tâm” và “Học hỏi” là 2 dạng văn hóa nổi bật của Kim Oanh Group
“Caring” and “Learning” are 2 outstanding cultural forms of Kim Oanh Group

At the current stage, the type of culture identified at Kim Oanh Group is “Caring” when most of the team share the same feeling of living and working in an environment with deep care, love and sharing with the selection rate accounting for 32%. Next, “Learning” was also the 2nd most chosen culture form with a rate of 17% of the culture forms surveyed.

However, there is an interesting change, when in the future, the type of Learning culture comes out on top, accounting for 31% of choices.

Lãnh đạo cấp cao Kim Oanh Group tại Khóa học “Lãnh đạo bằng sự nguyên mẫu” do Tập đoàn tổ chức
Senior leader Kim Oanh Group at the course “Leadership by archetype” organized by the Group

According to Dale Carnegie Vietnam representative, the significant shift in the choice of Learning (from 17% to 31%) and Caring (from 32% to 25%) cultures shows the desire to shift the team's concerns to factors that bring real results, desire to breakthrough, develop the capacity of Kim Oanh Group and its staff to meet the strategic direction in the next 10 years.

In addition, the factors of Environmental Conditions that help build a strong corporate culture for Kim Oanh Group are being evaluated at an average level – decent, none of which are superior. This result shows that the environmental conditions that help build corporate culture at Kim Oanh Group have not shown their own characteristics or clear strengths.

Lãnh đạo cấp cao của Kim Oanh Group tại buổi thảo luận chuyên sâu nhằm xây dựng hoàn thiện Bộ Chuẩn mực văn hóa doanh nghiệp diễn ra vào ngày 19 và 20/3 vừa qua
Senior leaders of Kim Oanh Group at an in-depth discussion to build and complete the Corporate Cultural Standards took place on March 19 and 20

In the coming time, in order to bring the culture of “Kim Oanh people” to a new level, in the direction of substantive sustainability, in which outstanding core values are synchronized and form a clear identity in leadership, management and employee levels, consultants said, Kim Oanh Group needs to focus on 6 main orientations, on: Corporate Governance, Synchronous Board of Directors, Learning Culture, Team Engagement, Flexible Adaptation and Corporate Cultural Standards. In particular, Kim Oanh Group's corporate culture standards are the core foundation.

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