2,000 students celebrated Lunar New Year away from home warmly received gifts “Spring from a million golden hearts”

In the afternoon of 31/1, at the Hall of the Youth Culture House, the City Student Support Center organized the program “Spring from a million golden hearts” – Xuan Giap Thin 2024, in order to take care of disadvantaged students to celebrate Tet away from home, students in Ho Chi Minh City severely affected by …

2,000 students celebrated Lunar New Year away from home warmly received gifts “Spring from a million golden hearts” Read More »

In the afternoon of 31/1, at the Hall of the Youth Culture House, the City Student Support Center organized the program “Spring from a million golden hearts” – Xuan Giap Thin 2024, in order to take care of disadvantaged students to celebrate Tet away from home, students in Ho Chi Minh City severely affected by the Covid-19 epidemic.

This is an annual activity organized by the City Student Support Center, in order to bring students a warm and cordial Tet atmosphere with the sharing of the City Student Union, the support and companionship of individuals and businesses.

ông Lê Nguyễn Nam, Phó Giám đốc Trung tâm Hỗ trợ học sinh, sinh viên TP.HCM cho biết, năm nay, do suy thoái kinh tế sau đại dịch Covid-19 đã ảnh hưởng sâu sắc đến đời sống xã hội, đặc biệt là với các học sinh, sinh viên.
Mr. Le Nguyen Nam, Deputy Director of Ho Chi Minh City Student Support Center HCMC said that this year, due to the economic downturn after the Covid-19 pandemic, it has deeply affected social life, especially for students.

This year's program will gather 2,000 students who do not have conditions to return to their hometowns to celebrate Tet. They will be able to participate in activities to meet and exchange arts with artists; participate in typical folk games during Tet. The program of student gatherings to celebrate Lunar New Year away from home will hopefully bring a little spring warmth of sharing and friendship from the Union, business units and the whole society, who are always interested, contribute to cultivating and caring for the future generations of the country.

Sinh viên nhận quà và bao lì xì tại chương trình.
Students receive gifts and envelopes at the program.

At the program, hundreds of students in turn received Tet gifts worth VND 1,000,000/portion.

Le Sy Hoang, a native of Thanh Hoa, is a 3rd year student of Nguyen Tat Thanh University in Ho Chi Minh City. HCMC, shared that I am very happy to receive the dedicated attention from the City Student Union and sponsors. This gift I will bring back to my room to celebrate with my friends.

Sinh viên Lê Sỹ Hoàng là con thứ 4 trong gia đình có 6 anh chị em. Hoàng cho biết gia đình em làm nông, trồng lúa chỉ đủ ăn nên kinh tế cũng có phần khó khăn
Student Le Sy Hoang is the 4th child in a family of 6 siblings. Hoang said that his family works as a farmer, growing rice only enough to eat, so the economy is also somewhat difficult

“This year, I chose to stay to work part-time at convenience stores during Tet because part of the bus ticket to my hometown is quite high, nearly 2 million / ticket / time. Celebrating Tet away from home is also sad, but receiving everyone's attention I find it very heartwarming.” – Sy Hoang expressed.

Ông Nguyễn Đức Liên – Cố vấn Truyền thông Tập đoàn Kim Oanh, Chủ tịch danh dự Quỹ Từ thiện Kim Oanh tặng lì xì cho sinh viên đón Tết xa nhà. “Tôi cảm thấy ấm lòng khi cả cộng đồng chung tay hỗ trợ các bạn sinh viên để các em đón Tết xa nhà được vui, đủ đầy. Trong chương trình này, Quỹ Từ thiện cũng góp sức nhỏ với hơn 22 triệu đồng, cùng lan toả yêu thương đến các bạn sinh viên có hoàn cảnh khó khăn”
Mr. Nguyen Duc Lien – Communications Advisor of Kim Oanh Group, Honorary Chairman of Kim Oanh Charity Foundation gave money to students to celebrate Tet away from home. “I feel warm when the whole community joins hands to support students so that they can celebrate Tet away from home happy and full. In this program, the Charity Fund also made a small contribution with more than 22 million VND, spreading love to disadvantaged students”

During the Lunar New Year holiday, in addition to the program “Spring from a million golden hearts”, Ho Chi Minh City Student Support Center also organizes programs such as: Tet Jobs, Spring Bus Trip, Bring Tet for children.

The program “Student gathering to celebrate Lunar New Year away from home” was first held in 1999 and maintained annually. From 2022, the program changed its name to “Spring from a million golden hearts” and added the target of caring students. Up to now, the Center has supported 30,000 students through the program.

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