Full of joy on International Children’s Day at Kim Oanh Group

Celebrating International Children’s Day 01/06/2024, Kim Oanh Group organized the evnet with many fun and useful activities at 3 locations, namely the head office, Binh Duong, Dong Nai and gave meaningful congratulatory gifts to the children of the Group’s leaders and employees on their special day. Participating in the program, the young members of Kim …

Full of joy on International Children’s Day at Kim Oanh Group Read More »

Celebrating International Children's Day 01/06/2024, Kim Oanh Group organized the evnet with many fun and useful activities at 3 locations, namely the head office, Binh Duong, Dong Nai and gave meaningful congratulatory gifts to the children of the Group's leaders and employees on their special day.

Những thành viên nhí của Kim Oanh Group đã tận hưởng một ngày Quốc tế Thiếu nhi rộn rã niềm vui và trọn vẹn ý nghĩa
The young members of Kim Oanh Group enjoyed a bustling International Children's Day full of joy and meaning

Participating in the program, the young members of Kim Oanh Group had fun moments with many interesting activities, both suitable for their age and helping them promote their talents such as painting, coloring, clay molding, etc. With their creativity and ingenuity, many children have shown their talent in painting as well as their artistic talent.

Các em thiếu nhi thể hiện năng khiếu hội họaCác em thiếu nhi thể hiện năng khiếu hội họa
Children show their talent for painting

In addition, the children also enjoyed an extremely attractive magic performance and played games with the clown. The balloons, flowers, silk ribbons magically transformed through the hands of the clown or the sudden appearance of the cute little pigeon and python made the atmosphere of the event burst with joy with crisp laughter from the children.

Các em thiếu nhi và phụ huynh chăm chú theo dõi tiết mục ảo thuật hấp dẫn từ chú hề
Children and parents attentively watched the attractive magic performance from the clown
Không chỉ tài năng, những thành viên nhí của Kim Oanh Group còn vô cùng can đảm
Not only talented, the young members of Kim Oanh Group are also extremely courageous

In order to make the children's special day more meaningful, Kim Oanh Group's Trade Union also prepares meaningful gifts for children. Not only contributing more joy to the children, the gifts also show the attention of Kim Oanh Group's Board of Directors to the children of leaders and employees – the future generations of talents of the Group.

Interacting with the children at the event, Mr. Nguyen Luong Tho – Deputy General Director of Operations of the Group sent his loving wishes to the young members of Kim Oanh Group, wishing them to always be healthy, good at studying, worthy of being a good child, good at playing to always be the pride of the family, of Kim Oanh Group, of the school and are the future green sprouts of society.

Ông Nguyễn Lương Thỏ bày tỏ sự quan tâm và yêu thương đến các em thiếu nhi
Mr. Nguyen Luong Tho expressed his concern and love for the children

According to Mr. Nguyen Luong Tho, in addition to business activities, Kim Oanh Group also focuses on building the best welfare policy for employees as well as targeting the families of the Group's leaders and employees. And 01/06 is also a meaningful opportunity for the Board of Directors to show their care and love directly to the young members of the Group.

“Kim Oanh Group always expects that the next generation will be nurtured and cared for well so that they themselves will continue to follow us, continue to dedicate and cultivate for the development of the Group and further create positive influences on society and the community in the future. Therefore, the Group's Board of Directors is committed to creating a good working environment to help their parents ensure income, stabilize their lives to have the best conditions to take care of their children and bring them a better future” – Mr. Nguyen Luong Tho expressed.

In addition, Mr. Nguyen Luong Tho also wished the children to have a joyful and bustling summer with many fun activities, meaningful and rewarding summer experiences in the loving arms of their families and loved ones.

Ông Tô Duy Chinh – Giám đốc Khối Kinh doanh Tập đoàn tặng quà chúc mừng ngày Quốc tế thiếu nhi đến các thành viên nhí của Kim Oanh Group
Mr. To Duy Chinh – Director of Sales Division of the Group gave gifts to congratulate the International Children's Day to the young members of Kim Oanh Group

It can be seen that the Board of Directors of Kim Oanh Group always pays great attention and considers children as a valuable asset of every family and society. In addition to many social responsibility activities exclusively for children, on International Children's Day every year, Kim Oanh Group always organizes special programs for children of the Group's leaders and employees so that they can have fun with their families and receive meaningful congratulatory gifts.

Ông Tô Duy Chinh chụp hình lưu niệm cùng một thành viên nhí của Tập đoàn
Mr. To Duy Chinh took a souvenir photo with a child member of the Group

Some pictures of the International Children's program at the Ho Chi Minh City Headquarters:

Các em thiếu nhi tham gia nhiều hoạt động giải trí bổ ích như tô màu, vẽ tranh, nặn đất sét…
The children participated in many useful entertainment activities such as coloring, painting, clay molding, …

Một bông hoa nhỏ được tạo ra từ bàn tay khéo léo của các em
A small flower created by the children's skillful hands

Các em thiếu nhi vui chơi, khám phá tài năng trong vòng tay yêu thương của phụ huynh
Children have fun and discover their talents in the loving arms of their parents

Các em thiếu nhi thích thú và tích cực tương tác với chú hề tạo nên những màn biểu diễn ảo thuật sinh động
The children enjoyed and actively interacted with the clown to create vivid magic performances

Các em thiếu nhi hào hứng tham gia trò chơi “bức tượng âm nhạc”
Children are excited to participate in the game “musical statue”

Some pictures of the International Children's Day event at Binh Duong Office:

Some pictures of the International Children's event at Dong Nai Branch:

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