Leadership by archetypality: The glue that holds the team together!

Following the success of previous courses, within the framework of the Corporate Culture Regeneration Project, on March 1, Kim Oanh Group organized the course “Leadership by Prototype” for senior leaders of the Group. The course aims to help senior leaders understand their aspirations and goals, personal identity in decisions that affect the success of the …

Leadership by archetypality: The glue that holds the team together! Read More »

Following the success of previous courses, within the framework of the Corporate Culture Regeneration Project, on March 1, Kim Oanh Group organized the course “Leadership by Prototype” for senior leaders of the Group.

The course aims to help senior leaders understand their aspirations and goals, personal identity in decisions that affect the success of the organization through leadership, organizing the team properly and increasing the bravery to lead the organization to success in the current pressure.

Chương trình diễn ra trong không khí đầy hào hứng với sự tham gia đầy đủ, nhiệt tình của các học viên.
The program took place in an exciting atmosphere with the full and enthusiastic participation of trainees.

With the skillful and coherent guidance of Ms. Nguyen Trinh Khanh Linh – President & CEO of Dale Carnegie Vietnam, consultant of the Corporate Culture Regeneration Project, the important and interesting contents of the course are in turn conveyed to students in a subtle way, easy to understand.

In particular, the concept of archetypal leadership, how to become an archetypal leader – the most interested in students has been “deciphered” by the female expert.

Nhiều nội dung thú vị được bà Nguyễn Trịnh Khánh Linh chia sẻ tại khóa học
Many interesting contents were shared by Ms. Nguyen Trinh Khanh Linh at the course

Specifically, according to Ms. Nguyen Trinh Khanh Linh, archetypal leadership is a natural leadership style, in line with the life purpose, core values, philosophy and leadership vision of each individual. The leader acts authentically, true to his own unique qualities. No matter where they are, their thoughts and actions are consistent.

“Archetypal leadership not only helps the leader to be himself but also increases trust and team cohesion, maximizing the internal strength of the organization. One of the key factors to being an archetypal leader is that you will have to be deeply aware, learn what your values are and how to live with them, and have the courage to stay true to your true self. even in the face of adversity. The ability to lead by archetype may come naturally, but for most people, finding their ‘leadership ADN identity' takes effort,” said Nguyen Trinh Khanh Linh.

Along with the theory, the practical part with many authentic activities, associated with daily work, helped students “understand the lesson” quickly and effectively. At the same time, it inspires many students to discover and “rediscover” their inherent “archetypal values” that have been “hidden” for a long time.

Các học viên vui vẻ tham gia các hoạt động và tương tác tích cực tại khóa học
Students happily participate in activities and interact positively at the course

“As leaders, we often feel the need to play a different role outside of ourselves or try to create the best cover possible. Because playing as someone else often gives us a sense of security, protects us from being hurt, or avoids the possibility of people being disliked. This is how not only me personally but maybe many others do the same sometimes. But, after going through this course, I realized that if we are not true to ourselves, in the long run it will make us tired, exhausted and isolated,” said Ms. Le Thi Hanh, Director of New City Branch – a student of the course.

Meanwhile, participating in the course, Mr. Dang Van Quy, Director of Dong Nai Branch, said that the course was quite good and practical.

“As a leader, I believe that everyone has their own strengths or identities that are rich in values. However, it is possible that for many reasons, we inadvertently forget or have not fully revealed our true self in order to maximize that hidden energy and power. Today's course has partly helped me personally eliminate “blind spots”, and at the same time be more confident to overcome hidden corners and continue to improve myself more. I would like to thank the Board of Directors of the Group for organizing a very good and practical course for all students”, Mr. Dang Van Quy confided.

Học viên nhận chứng chỉ cuối khóa học
Students receive a certificate at the end of the course

Taking place within one day, with open interaction and sharing, the course “Leadership by Archetypes” brought a lot of useful knowledge and positive emotions to the participants.

In addition, the contents conveyed in the course will also be the basis and basic foundation for senior leaders of the Group to contribute to the in-depth discussion of Kim Oanh Group's Cultural Standards on March 18-19.

Let's see some more pictures at the course:

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