Kim Oanh Group honors branches leading the system May 8

On the morning of 03/10, Kim Oanh Group held a program to honor branches with leading business achievements in the system in 8 months. This is a monthly program to recognize, encourage and inspire sales for sales teams who always try their best to achieve achievements. In order to ensure transparency and fairness in the …

Kim Oanh Group honors branches leading the system May 8 Read More »


On the morning of 03/10, Kim Oanh Group held a program to honor branches with leading business achievements in the system in 8 months. This is a monthly program to recognize, encourage and inspire sales for sales teams who always try their best to achieve achievements.

Các chi nhánh kinh doanh dẫn đầu hệ thống tháng 8/2023 cùng chụp hình lưu niệm
Business branches leading the system in  08/2023 take souvenir photos

In order to ensure transparency and fairness in the reward process, business achievements will not be calculated on total sales or total transactions, but will be calculated based on the percentage of revenue achieved and average sales performance per sales specialist of the branch.

Di An branch won the first prize

Accordingly, in August, Di An branch excellently achieved the first rank with a revenue target of 111%, the average sales performance reached more than 49 million VND/ Sales Executive.

Dien Bien Phu branch won the second prize

Winning  the second prize was Dien Bien Phu branch with the achievement of 58% of the revenue target, sales efficiency reached nearly 33 million VND/Sales Executive. This is also the branch with the highest total revenue in the system with nearly VND 2.8 billion.

New City Branch wins third prize

Winning the third prize is the New City branch with a revenue target of 36% and sales efficiency of nearly 23.8 million VND/Sales Executive.

According to Mr To Duy Chinh, Director of Kim Oanh Group's Business Division, from August 2023, the group's business activities will prosper. In the Legacy Prime apartment project alone, the Business Division has implemented many very successful sales campaigns with hundreds of products changing hands to customers.

Mrs. Dang Thi Kim Oanh, Chairwoman, General Director of Kim Oanh Group shared at the event

Speaking at the event, Mrs. Dang Thi Kim Oanh, Chairwoman, General Director of Kim Oanh Group acknowledged the efforts of the whole system, especially the sales team that has established excellent sales achievements.

“The real estate market at the end of the year is opening up many new prospects. I hope that the group's leadership team and employees will keep the flame of passion, continue to seize new opportunities to conquer more great successes” – Mrs. Oanh expects.


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