Full of emotions to celebrate International Women’s Day 8/3

8/3 – the day to honor women who bring a lot of emotions to half the world of Kim Oanh Group across the system, with a variety of special congratulatory activities. It is no coincidence that the Creator gave women the name “beautiful women”, because for generations, the appearance of “beautiful women” has brought a …

Full of emotions to celebrate International Women’s Day 8/3 Read More »


8/3 – the day to honor women who bring a lot of emotions to half the world of Kim Oanh Group across the system, with a variety of special congratulatory activities.

Không khí rộn ràng tại văn phòng trụ sở Kim Oanh Group
The atmosphere is bustling at Kim Oanh Group's headquarters office

It is no coincidence that the Creator gave women the name “beautiful women”, because for generations, the appearance of “beautiful women” has brought a lot of love, sweetness and happiness to this world.              

At Kim Oanh Group, with bravery – wisdom – enthusiasm, the presence and contributions of women always play an extremely important role in the development journey of the Group, especially the female Chairman Dang Thi Kim Oanh.

On behalf of the men in general and the Board of Directors of the Group in particular, Mr. Nguyen Thuan – Vice Chairman of Kim Oanh Group sent congratulations to all female leaders, employees as well as thanks for their contributions to the development of the Group.

“International Women's Day 8/3 every year is an opportunity for men to honor and express their deep gratitude to women. From the bottom of my heart, I am very grateful for your contribution to the development journey of the Group. On behalf of the Group's Board of Directors, I would like to wish you always beautiful, healthy and happy, especially continue to stick and contribute to the sustainable development of Kim Oanh Group in the coming time”, Mr. Nguyen Thuan, shared.

Ông Nguyễn Thuận – Phó Chủ tịch HĐQT Kim Oanh Group gửi lời chúc mừng và cảm ơn tới toàn thể chị em tập đoàn tại chương trình
Mr. Nguyen Thuan – Vice Chairman of Kim Oanh Group sent his congratulations and thanks to all the group's sisters at the program
Bà Đặng Thị Kim Oanh – Chủ tịch HĐQT, Tổng Giám đốc Tập đoàn cảm ơn những lời chúc từ phái mạnh và đông viên phái hiện Kim Oanh Group hãy luôn tự tin thể hiện mình
Mrs. Dang Thi Kim Oanh – Chairman of the Board of Directors, General Director of Kim Oanh Group thanked the wishes from men and employees of Kim Oanh Group to always express themselves confidently

On this occasion, in order for women to show their talent and ingenuity, the Organizing Committee of the program also organized a flower arrangement contest with the theme “do skillful “.

Đội 1 hạng mục thi trang trí trái cây (Ban Thư ký – Trợ lý)
Team 1 of the fruit decorating competition (Secretariat – Assistant)

Đội 2 hạng mục trang trí trái cây (Khối Tài chính – Kế toán)
Team 2 fruit decoration items (Finance – Accounting Division)

Đội 3 hạng mục trang trí trái cây (Khối Kinh doanh, Dịch vụ Khách hàng, Truyền thông và Marketing)
Team 3 fruit decoration categories (Sales, Customer Service, Communication and Marketing)

Đội 1 hạng mục thi cắm hoa (Khối Phát triển Dự án)
Team 1 flower arrangement competition (Project Development Division)

Đội 2 hạng mục cắm hoa (Khối Hành chính – Nhân sự)
Team 2 flower arrangement category (Administration – Human Resources)

Đội 3 hạng mục cắm hoa (Ban Quản lý tòa nhà)
Team 3 flower arrangement category (Building Management Board)
Giải BA thuộc về Đội 1 – Hạng mục cắm hoa và Đội 3 – Hạng mục trang trí trái cây
The BA prize went to Team 1 – Flower arrangement category and Team 3 – Fruit decoration category
Giải NHÌ thuộc về đội 3 – Hạng mục cắm hoa và Đội 1 – Hạng mục trang trí trái cây
The second prize went to Team 3 – Flower arrangement category and Team 1 – Fruit decoration category
Giải Nhất thuộc về Đội 2 của cả 2 hạng mục dự thi
The first prize went to Team 2 of both categories
Các đội thi chụp ảnh cùng Ban lãnh đạo tập đoàn
The teams took photos with the Board of Directors of the corporation

Besides the head office, the bustling atmosphere to celebrate 8/3 spread throughout the branches and departments of Kim Oanh Group. In addition to gifts from the corporation, the sisters also received many good wishes and valuable gifts from the branch and male colleagues.

Phái đẹp Kim Oanh Group nhận quà 8-3 tại trụ sở Kim Oanh Group
Kim Oanh Group women receive gifts 8-3 at Kim Oanh Group headquarters

Không khí 8-3 tại Chi nhánh Dĩ An
Air 8-3 at Di An Branch

Phái đẹp chi nhánh Điện Biên Phủ nhận quà 8-3
Women of Dien Bien Denial branch 8-3

Những bóng hồng chi nhánh Đồng Nai rạng rỡ trong tà áo dài
The pink shadows of Dong Nai branch radiant in the ao dai

Những “bông hoa” của chi nhánh Thành Phố Mới tỏa sáng trong ngày 8-3
The “flowers” of the New City branch shine on March 8

Các chị em chi nhánh Cộng Hòa rạng rỡ trong ngày đặc biệt dành riêng cho phái đẹp
The Republican branch sisters beamed on a special day dedicated to women

Chi nhánh Bến Cát hòa chung không khí ngày 8-3
Ben Cat branch joins the atmosphere on 8-3

Chương trình 8-3 tại Palace Long Hai Resort
Program 8-3 at Palace Long Hai Resort

On the occasion of International Women's Day 8/3, once again, I would like to send my loving wishes to the colorful flowers of the Kim Oanh Group family. With all the warmest affection, I wish you always beautiful, full of joy and enthusiasm in work and life!


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