Potential Cultural Ambassador: “Will make every effort to spread the mission awarded”

These are the enthusiastic and sincere sharing of Potential Cultural Ambassadors Kim Oanh Group at the program “Potential Cultural Ambassador Meeting”, which took place in the afternoon of March 14. In order to create more connections and engagement between Potential Cultural Ambassadors as well as help members better understand the role of Potential Cultural Ambassadors, …

Potential Cultural Ambassador: “Will make every effort to spread the mission awarded” Read More »


These are the enthusiastic and sincere sharing of Potential Cultural Ambassadors Kim Oanh Group at the program “Potential Cultural Ambassador Meeting”, which took place in the afternoon of March 14.

In order to create more connections and engagement between Potential Cultural Ambassadors as well as help members better understand the role of Potential Cultural Ambassadors, the roadmap to become an official Cultural Ambassador and the upcoming activities of Potential Cultural Ambassadors, In the afternoon of March 14, Kim Oanh Group held a Potential Cultural Ambassador Meeting.”

The program was held in the form of live chat at the head office and online channel at branch offices, with the full participation of 52 potential Cultural Ambassadors.

Các ĐSVHTN tràn đầy năng lượng và nhiệt huyết trong buổi gặp mặt
Potential Cultural Ambassadors were energetic and enthusiastic during the meeting

Speaking at the opening of the meeting, on behalf of the Corporate Culture Regeneration Project Board, Mr. Nguyen Luong Tho, Deputy General Director of Operation of the Group congratulated the potential Cultural Ambassadors who have passed the preliminary round to be among the potential cultural ambassadors of Kim Oanh Group.

“Whether we are self-nominated or nominated, we are all exemplary, trusted, loved and have outstanding potential to become Cultural Ambassadors. Congratulations to those who excelled through the first round to become potential Cultural Ambassadors of Kim Oanh Group. Hopefully, the Potential Cultural Ambassadors will continue to accompany and participate more actively in the upcoming activities of the project”, said Mr. Nguyen Luong Tho, Deputy General Director of the Group.

Ông Nguyễn Lương Thọ, Phó Tổng Giám đốc Vận hành Tập đoàn gửi lời chúc mừng và mong các ĐSVHTN tiếp tục tham gia nhiệt tình vào các hoạt động sắp tới
Mr. Nguyen Luong Tho, Deputy General Director of the Group sent his congratulations and wished the potential Cultural Ambassadors to continue their enthusiastic participation in upcoming activities

In response to Mr. Tho's encouragement and encouragement, Mr. Trinh Thanh Tuan, Director of Dien Bien Phu Branch – one of the potential Cultural Ambassadors shared, he was quite surprised but also very happy and proud to be nominated to become a potential cultural ambassador of the group. Through a journey of participating in the Corporate Culture Regeneration project and participating in classes, he has boldly applied it to branch management, daily customer contact and found it to bring very positive effects. Mr. Tuan also said that he would try his best to successfully complete the “mission” given.

Meanwhile, Mr. Dang Van Quy, Director of Dong Nai Branch, said that he strongly believes in the strong development of Kim Oanh Group in general and the success of the Corporate Culture Regeneration Project in particular. Quy also said that if he becomes a potential Cultural Ambassador of Kim Oanh Goup, he himself will enthusiastically participate in activities to spread the good standards and values of the group to all teams, customers and partners.

ĐSVHTN chia sẻ tại buổi gặp mặt
Potential Cultural Ambassadors shared at the meeting

Following the program, in order for potential Cultural Ambassadors to better visualize the role, duties and activities of the upcoming Potential Cultural Ambassadors, important information was also revealed by the program organizers.

Accordingly, it is expected that from now to 6/2024, Potential Cultural Ambassadors will be able to participate in activities such as: Photo contest “Kim Oanh Group Fashion” (scheduled to take place from 3-4/2024); The Podcast (scheduled to take place from 4-5/2024) and the contest “Kim Oanh Group and my career journey” (scheduled to take place from 5-6/2024).

Đại diện đơn vị tư vấn Dale Carnegie Việt Nam chia  sẻ về lộ trình trở thành Đại sứ Văn hóa và các hoạt động sắp tới
Representative of Dale Carnegie Vietnam shared about the roadmap to become a Cultural Ambassador and upcoming activities

Through these activities, Potential Cultural Ambassadors will have more opportunities to experience, share and spread their own stories related to corporate culture to thereby strongly spread humane and good messages to the whole system.

Các ĐSVHTN thể hiện tinh thần chung sức đồng lòng tham gia các hoạt động sắp tới
Potential Cultural Ambassadors show the spirit of joining hands to participate in upcoming activities

After this meeting, on March 18-19, Kim Oanh Group's Cultural Regeneration Project Committee will also hold an in-depth discussion on Kim Oanh Group's Cultural Standards, including the participation of potential Cultural Ambassadors. The Cultural Standards were discussed to provide ethical standards of conduct and serve as a guideline for all employees in the Group to apply when performing professional work and daily communication. In order to create orderliness and civility in organizational communication relations, create conditions for each individual in the collective to develop their full potential to contribute to the sustainable development of Kim Oanh Group.

Some other photos at the meeting:

Buổi gặp mặt diễn ra trong không khí ấm cúng
The meeting took place in a warm atmosphere
Các ĐSVHTN cùng bắt tay chào hỏi làm quen trước khi vào chương trình chính
Potential Cultural Ambassadors shake hands and greet before entering the main program

Phần trò chơi “Vượt chướng ngại vật” thu hút các ĐSVHTN tham gia giải mã các ô chữ để tìm ra từ khóa chính là “BỘ CHUẨN MỰC.”
The “Obstacle Course” section attracts potential Cultural Ambassadors to decipher crosswords to find the key word “CULTURAL STANDARDS.”
Các ĐSVHTN tràn đầy năng lượng và nhiệt huyết, sẵn sàng tham gia các hoạt động sắp tới
Potential Cultural Ambassadors show willingness to participate in upcoming activities


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