Kim Oanh Group launches a project to develop corporate culture

On 28/11, Kim Oanh Group officially launched the project of recreating corporate culture – Affirming and “living” Kim Oanh Group’s cultural values with the participation of leaders and employees of the whole system. The project has the strategic companion of Dale Carnegie Vietnam – one of the leading units in developing corporate culture. The project …

Kim Oanh Group launches a project to develop corporate culture Read More »


On 28/11, Kim Oanh Group officially launched the project of recreating corporate culture – Affirming and “living” Kim Oanh Group's cultural values with the participation of leaders and employees of the whole system.

Building a successful business will contribute to elevating Kim Oanh Group's brand in the market

The project has the strategic companion of Dale Carnegie Vietnam – one of the leading units in developing corporate culture. The project is considered a strategic step of Kim Oanh Group. Because corporate culture is the glue that binds the team and is the “musk” that brings Kim Oanh Group brand closer to customers, makes a good impression on customers, contributes to building Kim Oanh Group into a “professional, humane and sustainable multidisciplinary investment group”.

Affirming Kim Oanh Group's cultural identity

Over nearly 16 years of establishment and development, Kim Oanh Group has gradually grown to become a prestigious and influential real estate brand in the South. In the coming period, Kim Oanh Group's Board of Directors determined that the cultural factor will be a source of renewable energy for the operating mechanism of the business and the key to talent retention, the glue that binds the team to create consensus, work together to make a breakthrough, achieve the organization's strategic goals and commitments. And the core subject that determines the success of a culture is the individual in that collective.

Sharing at the beginning of the program, Ms. Dang Thi Kim Oanh – Chairwoman, General Director of Kim Oanh Group said: “The cultural regeneration project will affirm in a holistic and standard way the different identities from the heart, soul and actions of Kim Oanh Group. From there, the project will orient, inspire and create conditions for these identities to become a way of doing and living substantially, creating the strength of the collective, contributing to the success of Kim Oanh Group and inherited and developed through the next generations”.

Mrs. Dang Thi Kim Oanh – Chairwoman, General Director of Kim Oanh Group delivered the opening speech

According to Mrs. Dang Thi Kim Oanh, Kim Oanh Group will not merely build a culture of emotion (to connect the team) or reason (to control personnel) but also towards building a sustainable corporate culture. In other words, Kim Oanh Group's culture is a REAL culture, it can be said, cultural values must be integrated and become an indispensable part of all activities and an identity for the whole team.

Kim Oanh Group's staff contributed comments

Unite for a common goal

According to Mrs. Nguyen Trinh Khanh Linh – Chairman of the Board of Directors, General Director of Dale Carnegie Vietnam, the roadmap to implement the project to reinvent corporate culture – Affirm and “Live” Kim Oanh Group's cultural values is expected to last for 2 years and divided into 3 phases. Phase 1 is the Standards and ambassadors, phase 2 is Communication and dissemination, phase 3 will be the synchronous implementation of cultural norms throughout the Kim Oanh Group system.

Mrs. Nguyen Trinh Khanh Linh – Chairwoman, General Director of Dale Carnegie Vietnam shared about the roadmap to implement the Kim Oanh Group cultural regeneration project
Mr. Nguyen Phu Duc – Member of the Board of Directors, Head of Kim Oanh Group Cultural Regeneration Project shared about the objectives of the project

It can be seen that Kim Oanh Group's cultural regeneration project is a long-term roadmap, requiring the enthusiasm and fierce pursuit of senior leaders, bravery to set an example and guide the whole team in each commitment to the culture built.

Kim Oanh Group's team unanimously participated in the project

“Affirming and promoting the cultural identity of a business is not easy because corporate culture works very deeply and it is difficult to change. Therefore, the story of building and developing culture is not only the story of Kim Oanh Group's Board of Directors or the Project Board but also needs the full participation of the whole team” – Mr. Nguyen Phu Duc, Member of the Group's Board of Directors, Head of Kim Oanh Group's Cultural Regeneration Project called on the whole system to contribute to the project.

Ms. Nguyen Ngoc Anh – Vice Chairman of the Group shared her plan to participate in “Sharing Month” with Kim Oanh Group

To mark the promising beginning of Kim Oanh Group's cultural regeneration project, the Project Board has launched a small campaign called “Sharing Month” with Kim Oanh Group. Accordingly, each employee will identify their own outstanding strengths and plan to share those outstanding points with everyone around them throughout the 12th month. This activity helps to highlight a core cultural value of Kim Oanh Group, which is the shared value, which is considered by the Group's Board of Directors as the foundation of sustainable development and the true meaning of success.

Dale Carnegie Vietnam became a strategic partner of Kim Oanh Group in this project. Dale Carnegie is a pioneering, archetypal, and best organization in the field of developing people in the workplace with a history of more than 100 years and offices in more than 90 countries. In Vietnam, Dale Carnegie is a leading consulting firm with clients such as Mobile World, KIDO, PNJ …

Some pictures of the program:

Kim Oanh Group team immersed in the traditional song “Kim Oanh Real Estate Pride”

The program received the participation of more than 1,000 employees including face-to-face participation at Ho Chi Minh City headquarters and online participation at branches

Mrs. Dang Thi Kim Oanh called on the whole team to continue spreading the spirit of sharing

Kim Oanh Group's leaders and employees plan to participate in the “Sharing Month” with Kim Oanh Group
The Board of Directors of Kim Oanh Group and Dale Carnegie Vietnam took souvenir photos at the event


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